Harvard Outing Club

Other Events

HOC Talks

HOC members are pretty smart and study a variety of different topics in every department. We host occasional informal talks throughout the semester which cover topics such as What is Natural, How Did the White Mountains Get Their Names, or What Kinds of Trees are there in New England? We also invite speakers more exciting than ourselves. In the past we have hosted lectures for Dr. Len Necifer with NativesOutdoors, Dr. Arlene Blum with the Green Science Policy Institute, and many others! If you are interested in giving a HOC talk or know a great speaker we should invite, then reach out to our Events Chair.

Semiannual Square Dance

You: “Wait, you guys square dance? I thought you just did hiking and stuff.”
Us: “Yep, we square dance too!”
You: “Well how do I find out about these awesome dances?”
Us: “Read the info below, silly!”

Great, now that that’s out of the way, about our square dances: We hold two square dances each year—one in the fall and one in the spring—in the Adams House Dining Hall (when it is not overtaken by fruit flies). For the unfamiliar, square dancing, perhaps the greatest of all American folk dances, is designed for literally all levels of experience as the ‘caller’ announces every move and actively teaches the handful of simple motions. On top of that, the music is has historically been provided by a live, upbeat, generally awesome bluegrass band. All our dances are free, open to everyone, and a unique social event at Harvard. Hope to see you there!

Impromptu squares from HOC Square-dance Spring ’19

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